About Purbeck Magazine

About Purbeck is delivered to all residents in the Purbeck area three times a year.

The aim of the magazine is to keep residents fully informed of what’s happening in the district. The magazine provides updates on the latest developments in the council and on local issues and is hand delivered through all 23,000 letterboxes in the region.

If you have any comments on how we could improve the magazine or if you would like to receive a copy please contact the Purbeck Communications Department.

This magazine offers opportunities to businesses or organisations wishing to advertise to households in Wareham, Swanage, The Isle of Purbeck, Bere Regis, Lytchett Matravers, Wool, Lulworth and the surrounding areas. A total of 23,000 copies are produced and delivered to every home in the area.

About Purbeck is written and designed in-house by the communications team and printed on paper created from sustainable forests.

Are you're interested in advertising in About Purbeck? Talk to our team today...


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